"Would you follow your partner overseas?"

I did. So I had to check out this article. Very good read:


Expat wives have a terrible reputation. Gin swilling, lazy, diamond dripping, drunk by lunch time, double kissing, designer handbag owning, do I need to go on?

Read the rest here.

My first half of a year in Abu Dhabi is officially over and I'm slowly beginning to embrace my life here. But I know it wouldn't have been possible without the meaningful friendships I've made. Through my own meetup group alone, I've met my closest friends here.

It is possible to be a happy "trailing spouse", but I know it's going to take a lot longer than a few months. Glad I'm finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

If you're an expat and/or expat wife, I would love to hear your thoughts.